Monday, January 23, 2012

Come fly with me...

At Silver Bella, 2009, I attended a Hodge Podge Journal workshop taught by Rebecca Sower but I never actually finished mine, nor did I know what I wanted to do with this little treasure,
until now...

Behold, my One Little Word Journal
It may hold one year or perhaps several, we shall see

Title page for 2012

My January 2012 self portrait
2011 OLW was Snapshot and I spent much time taking self portraits,
 it seemed like a wonderful way to honor last year's word

Inside page, behind self portrait,
Becoming acquainted with my "One Little Word"
How does it feel, how does it fit?

The journey begins...
Want to come along with me?
Pay a visit to Ali Edwads who is teaching a delightful class at BPS  

Can't wait to see what adventures are in store for me



Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello sweet friends...

a new year,
a new home,
a new adventure awaits

Eight months have flown by as my life changed in ways I could not have forseen.  Wonderful much was, but challenges were faced as well.  Tis not always easy to "let go" and embrace  new adventures.

 it is time, a little voice whispers, it is time
And so I begin today...

Have you choosen "Your One Little" for 2012?

My word actually choose me this year...

v.i. to move through, or rise in the air with wings, move rapidly, float in the air, flutter, soar, take wing, take off.

I would love for you to share your word with me.  Such fun it would be to go on the journey together.

One more little note for today, you can now find me in Virginia, yes the west coast girl moved east!

Today's {View}

Happy New Year and I look forward to sharing my new adventures with you and hearing all about yours...

