Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bonjour mes amis...

La belle Marie...It seems that Marie Antoinette is famous all over again, only this time she is loved. Like many others I have been creating some "Marie" object d'art and I thought I would share them with you.
A touch of whimsy to hang anywhere you please, how about an armoire door knob
I enjoy tags...I envision days of old with vintage trunks and books

Even though e mail is so easy I very much enjoy receiving "real" mail
Merci, and My {View} must be of Versailles, it seems.
Adieu, Catherine

1 comment:

Heidi ~ Inspired Nest said...

Welcome Catherine! Those are so lovely ~ not hard to see that talent runs in the family! It's the best gene to pass along.

Hope you enjoy blogland!
xo Heidi